

About the Engagement Model

How does Aibiliti charge for its services?

We charge a monthly fee for our services. Our services include crafting content strategy, creating a content calendar, converting that into content, deploying it across channels and then measuring it’s performance.

How does Aibiliti engage with us?

A dedicated team, starting with an account manager is assigned to every customer that we work with. This helps us better understand our customer’s business and be closely involved in helping them meet their strategic goals while also building domain expertise.

Is there a minimum commitment we need to make before we start working with Aibiliti?

There are no minimum commitments required. However, content requires 4-5 months before it can start to perform meaningfully.

How long do you take before you can start creating content?

We take 10 business days to setup your account. This includes competitive landscaping, setting up industry information, identifying brand guidelines, tone of voice. We then come up with a content strategy document and content calendar. We, typically, start executing on these after two weeks.

Can I expect a content calendar in advance?

A content calendar is central to everything we create. It’s where strategy meets execution. Every content calendar has to be approved by the customer before execute it.

Are there reports that get shared with me?

We measure content performance across two primary parameters - awareness and engagement. These in turn are a function of the most followed metrics across your web and social presence. We share a monthly dashboard that tracks the movement of these 2 parameters along with insights behind the performance.

How soon can I start to see tangible results?

Content is a commitment. While there is no standard answer, depending on your existing state, content starts delivering tangible results (generate leads) in 4-5 months.

About the Content we Produce

What kind of content does Aibiliti produce?

We produce top and middle of funnel marketing content aimed at 3 primary stakeholders:

  1. Future Employees
  2. Future Customers
  3. Future Investors

The plethora of content we produce is largely distributed and consumed in the digital realm of your website, social media channels, dedicated video and podcast channels.

We feel creating hyper personalised emails is going to be a game changer. We craft engaging, relevant, rules based and personalised emails for nurturing prospects.

I see you have podcasts on your website. Can you create one for us?

Yes. Our process is different from the traditional methods of creating podcasts. Technology and our expertise now make the process hassle free and scalable.

Do you produce videos?

Yes. Videos that can be created using existing AI tools such as Synthesia are our area of expertise. You can see examples of videos that we produce here.

Which Social Media channels do you focus on?

Given our focus on B2B, we have deep expertise on LinkedIn. We are starting to produce content for Instagram and Facebook.

About the Transition into our Services

We have been working with an agency for our content needs? How are you going to be different?

We can be thought of as an agency with tech in place of some of the people. This offers numerous benefits such as:

  • Build Domain Expertise
  • Personalization at Scale
  • Efficiency and Speed
  • Content Optimization
  • Innovative Content Formats
  • AI Driven Insights
  • High ROI
I already have a lot of content. Is that useful?

Existing content is a great starting point. To be able to repurpose it & distribute it can bring instant gains. It also helps shorten the learning curve.

I have a marketing team. What is going to be their role?

We work alongside your marketing teams to maximize their efficiency and productivity. If one was to use an analogy of a car, the marketing team would be in the driver’s seat and we are the car. Our job is to take precise inputs and deliver the best output in the shortest, fastest and best possible manner.