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Bruviti's Marketing Challenges

Bruviti was searching for a voice in a space filled with giants. Operating in a niche industry, Bruviti has a technical and complex narrative that is meant for specific personas, and their team lacked the ability to amplify this narrative.

Lack of Awareness

Despite their expertise in tech, Bruviti was overshadowed in a crowded market.

They lacked brand recognition & recall.

They were over-reliant on their website for content spread, limiting their reach.

Poor Engagement

Inconsistent messaging & irregular content flow.

Limited content formats leading to a failure to captivate their niche audience.

Negligible Demand Generation

Absence of targeted content to support critical sales activities like lead generation and nurturing.

Upcoming industry events necessitated enhanced content efforts to attract prospects.

Why Aibiliti

Working alongside Bruviti required a deep understanding of the technical intricacies of their offerings and the unique requirements of the target audience.

Our content team went through meticulous preparation in order to craft, scale and deliver content that would cut through the noise and resonate with the specific needs of equipment manufacturers, operators, and service leads.

Technical Insight

We were prepared to develop a deep technical understanding, vital for communicating complex solutions to a targeted audience effectively.

Human Translation

Given our specialization, we distilled intricate concepts into accessible content, showcasing the true value of Bruviti's offerings.

Thorough Approach

Our commitment involved in-depth research, close collaboration, and extensive training to deliver impactful content tailored for industry leaders.

Onboarding and Engagement



Custom ROI Framework

We tailor our ROI approach to align with your distinct KPIs.


Research & Alignment (1 Week)

A deep dive into your business, aligning with executives to define objectives.


Team Integration

We seamlessly complement your team, reinforcing strategy and cohesion.


Strategy Sessions

Regular weekly discussions with your team to stay on course and pivot as needed (US timings).



Content Creation & Approval

We create content in your brand's voice, refined collaboratively for goal alignment.


Dedicated Account Management

Premium service with a dedicated manager and consistent updates for quality assurance.


Sales Enablement

Our content is crafted to empower your sales force, enhancing customer engagement and driving sales.



Custom KPIs & Reporting

Bespoke KPIs and transparent reporting keep you abreast of our shared success metrics.

The Aibiliti Solution

Channels Managed

Intelligent Research

Performed competitive & industry landscaping exercises.

Developed precise & detailed audience personas.

Created a robust content strategy.

Content Creation for Diverse Platforms

Produced an assortment of multi-channel content - articles, stories, fun facts, and videos.

Crafted each piece of content with quality and audience relevance in mind.

Our creative output also supported and enhanced Bruviti’s sales processes.

Ensured Bruviti's brand voice and messaging were consistent across all platforms.

Intelligent Multi-Platform Deployment

Balanced organic and paid media to maximize Bruviti's visibility.

Used a mix of narrowcast and broadcast strategies.

Heightened Bruviti's presence at industry events through strategic use of content channels.

Shared Bruviti's stories through both own and earned media.

Impact Measurement and Insights

Tracked content performance meticulously, and collected awareness, engagement, lead generation and sales metrics.

Continuously refined our strategy, guided by the performance.

A Snippet from our Content Calendar for Bruviti

The Results

We started our engagement in April 2023, and achieved great results over a short period of 10 months.


Unique Pieces of Content


Blog Posts


Industry Infographics


Linkedin Impressions



Leveraging scalable creation and rapid deployment, we have established Bruviti in the market as a distinguished player, fortifying its competitive edge.

Our dynamic approach has ensured that Bruviti adapts to market changes quickly and maximizes its growth potential.


Positioned Bruviti as a thought leader, boosting industry credibility and trust.

60% increase in LinkedIn followers

Strategic use of third-party platforms to reach wider audiences


32% increase in LinkedIn engagement along with improved follower quality

Sent 3,000+ hyper-personalized emails.


Gave Bruviti an edge in their sales conversations through high-quality content.

Helped Bruviti capture new prospects and nurture existing leads with highly targeted content.

"I highly value the business partnership that we have built with Aibiliti. They quickly ramped subject matter expertise in our domain to efficiently deliver high quality thought leadership content that has greatly helped us to establish a consistent brand narrative and to successfully engage new customers and markets."

Paul Greenland

CMO, Bruviti
"Before partnering with Aibiliti, I was skeptical about the impact of content, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. However, Aibiliti's expertise has not only elevated our brand awareness but also helped position us as a leading equipment AI platform for the service industry."

Andy Chinmulgund

CEO, Bruviti

Reinforced Learnings

The value of trust and rapport with our clients cannot be overstated.

We gained a better understanding of how to effectively leverage multiple channels to strengthen brand messaging and presence.

Using data to guide our content strategies is crucial for achieving the best results.

We're reminded that at the heart of B2B interactions are people making decisions; humanizing the brand is key.

We've learned that a long-term strategy is more successful than short-term tactics, emphasizing the importance of sustained effort.

Human input from both aibiliti and Bruviti was pivotal despite the significant contribution of aibiliti's AI-driven 4i model.

The Ongoing Story

Today, Bruviti's voice is confident and a trusted source in the world of AI tech service support.

As we continue to work side-by-side with the dedicated team at Bruviti, we're not just applying our expertise; we're learning and growing together.

Through this shared experience, we're able to help Bruviti not only amplify their brand but also forge deeper relationships with their customers. As we look ahead, we're excited to keep this human-centered approach at the heart of our ongoing story with Bruviti.