Stop guessing: Your guide to content types across the marketing funnel

As a seasoned CMO, you're well aware that the marketing funnel is the foundation of how we guide prospects through their buyer's journey. But in a B2B landscape, how do we ensure that every piece of content serves a purpose? Read through to learn about clear, actionable strategies that convert.

Published on

February 1, 2024

Did you know that 87% of marketers rely on content throughout different stages of the customer journey, while half of them find it challenging to encourage audiences to move to the next funnel stage?1

Let's break down the role of various content types across the marketing funnel to tackle your most pressing pain points.

Top of the Funnel (TOFU): Awareness Stage

Thought Leadership and Educational Blog Posts: Position your brand as an authority with insightful articles that share your unique perspective on industry trends and challenges.

Illustrations and Infographics: Use visual storytelling to break down complex ideas into engaging, easy-to-understand visuals that can be shared across multiple platforms.

Landing Pages: Create specific landing pages that cater to the interests of different audience segments, providing a focused entry point into your site.

Social Media Posts: Craft content that sparks conversations and builds community, extending the reach of your thought leadership and educational material.

Video: Develop videos that introduce your brand ethos and value proposition, ideal for sharing and gaining visibility.

Website Homepage: Ensure your homepage clearly communicates who you are and what you do, inviting visitors to explore further.

Podcasts: Launch a podcast series to discuss industry insights, providing another avenue for establishing thought leadership.

How AI can help:

AI can help you understand your Ideal Customer Profiles better, so you can create quality content that resonates with them. It can analyze search trends and social media behaviors to identify hot topics and emerging issues. This data can be used to prepare your business’s content strategy, leading to the creation of blog posts, infographics, and videos that are more likely to capture the attention of potential leads.

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU): Consideration Stage

Customer Profiles: Share stories of typical customers, helping prospects identify with their challenges and aspirations.

Ebooks: Offer in-depth guides that educate your prospects on topics of interest, showcasing your expertise.

Emails: Send targeted emails that nurture leads with content tailored to their stage in the buyer's journey.

Webinar: Host webinars that address common customer questions or offer demonstrations of your products or services.

Videos: Produce explainer videos about specific features or benefits of your offerings.

Website Features Page: Design a page that highlights the features of your product, providing clear and concise information that addresses the needs of prospects in the consideration phase.

How AI can help:

AI tools can help you personalize content for different segments, ensuring that ebooks, emails, and webinars hit the right notes with the right audiences. AI-driven analytics also allow businesses to refine their targeting strategies, ensuring their content resonates with those most likely to convert.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU): Decision Stage

Competitive Analysis: Present content that positions your offerings against the competition, emphasizing your unique selling points.

Customer Case Studies: Demonstrate the real-world value of your products or services through detailed case studies.

Email: Utilize segmented email campaigns that deliver tailored messages reinforcing the decision to choose your solution.

Pitch Deck: Prepare pitch decks that succinctly convey the benefits and ROI of your offerings for prospective clients.

Proposal: Generate customized proposals that address the specific needs and pain points of each prospect.

Website FAQ Page: Provide answers to frequently asked questions, alleviating concerns and eliminating barriers to conversion.

Website Pricing Page: Display clear, transparent pricing information to aid in the decision-making process.

How AI can help:

AI can assist in developing competitive analyses and case studies that highlight your business’s unique selling propositions. By leveraging AI to craft persuasive pitch decks and proposals, as well as FAQs and pricing pages that address common concerns, businesses can use data-driven insights to effectively nudge prospects toward a purchase.

Post-Sale: Retention Stage

Tutorials: Offer comprehensive tutorials that help customers get the most out of your product, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Help Center Articles: Maintain a robust help center with articles that empower users to find solutions quickly, fostering a sense of self-sufficiency and trust in your brand.

User Guides and FAQs

Supporting your customer post-sale is crucial. User guides and FAQs anticipate customer needs and reduce the friction in enjoying your product.


Regular newsletters keep your customers informed and engaged with your brand. They remind customers that you are not just a solution provider, but a partner in their ongoing success.

Exclusive Offers and Updates

Make your customers feel special with exclusive content that adds value to their purchase. This could be in the form of advanced training, updates on features, or customer-only events.

How AI can help:

AI can help you analyze customer usage patterns and feedback to produce tutorials and help center articles that address common user issues. Furthermore, AI can automate and personalize follow-up content to keep customers engaged, turning one-time buyers into long-term clients.

By mapping out these specific content types to each stage of the marketing funnel, you ensure that your strategy is comprehensive and highly targeted. This level of detail allows for a nuanced approach that speaks directly to where your audience is in their journey, increasing the likelihood of conversion and fostering long-term customer relationships.


Each type of content has its role and purpose within the marketing funnel. By crafting your content strategy to cover every stage, you'll address your pain points and steer your prospects from awareness to loyalty. Content marketing is all about talking to your audience, understanding them, and growing with them. Now go forth and create content that converts!

Ready to transform your marketing funnel with content that delivers?

We've journeyed through the roles different content types play in each stage of the marketing funnel. How does this apply to you and your company's unique challenges?

If you're looking to sharpen your content strategy and want to see tangible results, let’s start a conversation.

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